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There are numerous statistics available to make a point or sustain a point of view. Many of these are a misrepresentation of the facts. A frequently used figure of 19.1% of all "fatal and serious injury accidents" involve the use of alcohol, suggesting almost 1 in 5 are a result of drink driving. What does that say about the non drink driving public, they make up the remaining 4 in 5.
With out figures reflecting the total number of drinking "drunk" drivers and the total number of non drinking "sober" drivers the figures are only an indication of the number of accidents involving alcohol. The number, or percentage of drivers, having consumed alcohol and subsequently having an accident may well be considerably higher. There is no doubt however, that statistically it has been shown, that new drivers, regardless of age, are more likely to have an accident in the first two years after passing their test. The figures show that in the first year one driver in five will be involved in an accident, suggesting that more driving experience plays an important part in helping keep us safe.
Further training for a new driver can improve and enhance the skills introduced during initial driver training, the driving standard achieved to pass the original test. The advanced training will enhance the existing skills and knowledge and help improve skills such as, anticipation, planning and awareness thus enabling the driver to better deal with hazards as they arise.
This would cover areas similar to the Pass Plus common on mainland UK and will include:
- Driving in town
- Driving in all weathers
- Driving on rural roads
- Driving at night
- Driving on dual carriageways
- Driving on motorways